Thursday, August 5, 2010

Langebaan Park

A new park has just graced Langebaan's presence & we (Ryan, Zynn & I) went through for a session on Tuesday. We made an early start to make the most of the warm winters day & got there around 12. It's been a while since we've made any missions & the park was looking good! I can't remember when last I've really been in a hurry to get my skates on & was so keen to see the possibilities the park had to offer. Just rolled around for a while & noticed there are a few dead spots that need a bit of attention. I overheard the "superiors" talking about it, so hopefully they'll get sorted out soon. Other than that everything is looking & feeling really good & had a fun session.

After quite a while I decided to get the cam out & snap a few shots. Started off with a double flat rail & just shot Ryan & Zynn sessioning for a while. I was quite keen to have a pic or 2 of myself & didn't have anything too special in mind, so just stuck with a fish on the bowls extention & set up & got Zynn to be my trigger finger. My legs were starting to cramp after the marathon session & we were all feeling a bit finnished.

I nearly started packing up, but decided to see what the hip would look like with the fisheye & just took some nat light shots of Zynn. I liked what I was seeing, so set up & caught a few more airs. My legs were feeling good again & was keen to see how high I could get, so put Zynn on the trigger again. After 2 or 3 goes my legs were not too happy, but was too amped to get the shot & kept pushing a few more. Kinda got what I was after & decided to call it a day.

I had just packed up & was feeling finnished from a day in the sun on a nice reflective concrete surface. My body decided to give up on me & had a bit of a spiritual heatstroke experience & made use of the drive back to recover. Bit of a crap way to end a great day, but was well worth it & def initely going back soon for some more, are a few things we didn't get to that I'm keen to try.

Ryan - AO Fish

Ryan - Backslide

Ryan - Misfit

Zynn - 360 Top Soul

Zynn - True Savanna

Ryan - AO Top Porn

Zynn - 360 Fish

Eric - Fish

Zynn - Abstract Mute

Ryan - Mute

Zynn - Stale Grab